Security Seminar at LORIA

Security Seminar at LORIA

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Talks 2019 – 2020

Thursday May 28 2020

Ralf Küsters (Universität Stuttgart)
--- Cancelled due to Covid-19 ---
A008, 13:30
Cancelled due to Covid-19.

Thursday March 12 2020

Emmanuel Thomé (Inria Nancy)
Large-scale computational records for public-key cryptography.
A008, 13:30
Joint work with Fabrice Boudot, Pierrick Gaudry, Aurore Guillevic, Nadia Heninger, Paul Zimmermann.
In December 2019 and February 2020, we completed several record computations related to hard problems in public-key cryptography: we factored a 240-digit RSA modulus, we computed discrete logarithms modulo a 240-digit prime, and while we were at it, we also factored a 250-digit RSA modulus. Such records provide very important data points for the assessment of the computational hardness of the integer factorization (IF) and finite field discrete logarithm (DL) problems. These problems underpin the largest part of public-key cryptography that is currently in use. Previous records date back to 2016 (for DL) and 2009 (for IF).
This talk reports on how these computations were performed, and on how we chose parameters for the Number Field Sieve algorithm in order to minimize the running time. We also give some data on the scalability of our approach, and how it required harnessing a formidable computing power, with thousands of CPU cores from several facilities, working in parallel over several months. We also show that our work goes well beyond improving on previous records by using a lot of hardware: even if we had used identical hardware, our larger computation would have been faster than the smaller, previous record (for DL).

Thursday November 28 2019

Ralf Sasse (ETH Zurich)
Seems Legit: Automated Analysis of Subtle Attacks on Protocols that Use Signatures (joint work with Dennis Jackson, Cas Cremers, Katriel Cohn-Gordon)
A008, 13:30
The standard definition of security for digital signatures --- existential unforgeability --- does not ensure certain properties that protocol designers might expect. For example, in many modern signature schemes, one signature may verify against multiple distinct public keys. It is left to protocol designers to ensure that the absence of these properties does not lead to attacks.
Modern automated protocol analysis tools are able to provably exclude large classes of attacks on complex real-world protocols such as TLS 1.3 and 5G. However, their abstraction of signatures (implicitly) assumes much more than existential unforgeability, thereby missing several classes of practical attacks.
We give a hierarchy of new formal models for signature schemes that captures these subtleties, and thereby allows us to analyse (often unexpected) behaviours of real-world protocols that were previously out of reach of symbolic analysis. We implement our models in the Tamarin Prover, yielding the first way to perform these analyses automatically, and validate them on several case studies. In the process, we find new attacks on DRKey and SOAP's WS-Security, both protocols which were previously proven secure in traditional symbolic models.

Thursday December 5 2019

Emmanuelle Anceaume (IRISA Rennes)
Abstractions for permissionless distributed systems
A008, 13:30
Permissionless distributed systems are distributed systems in which (i) the number of participants for carrying out the protocol is not known before hand, and is not even known during the course of the execution, (ii) the right to contribute (e.g., by proposing a new value of interest for the other participants) and to participate (e.g., by reading new decided values) is not controlled by a (trustworthy) third authority, and (iii) participants communicate over a weakly connected communication topology (such as a peer-to-peer network). The permissionless blockchain technology exactly complies with such features. During this presentation I will present some of the most important abstractions that allow to support the construction of such distributed systems.

Thursday February 6 2020

Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
The Insecurity of Machine Learning: Problems and Solutions (replay Esorics 2019)
Amphi Gilles Kahn, 13:30
This seminar is a replay of the Keynote talk of Adi Shamir given at Esorics 2019. We will display the recorded video with the kind permission of Adi Shamir. Note however that the video will NOT be distributed later on.

The development of deep neural networks in the last decade had revolutionized machine learning and led to major improvements in the precision with which we can perform many computational tasks. However, the discovery five years ago of adversarial examples in which tiny changes in the input can fool well trained neural networks makes it difficult to trust such results when the input can be manipulated by an adversary.

This problem has many applications and implications in object recognition, autonomous driving, cyber security, etc, but it is still far from being understood. In particular, there had been no convincing explanations why such adversarial examples exist, and which parameters determine the number of input coordinates one has to change in order to mislead the network.

In this talk I will describe a simple mathematical framework which enables us to think about this problem from a fresh perspective, turning the existence of adversarial examples in deep neural networks from a baffling phenomenon into an unavoidable consequence of the geometry of R^n under the Hamming distance, which can be quantitatively analyzed.
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